The marketing consultant to
grow the business you envision


Where we set course.

There are a lot of marketing consultants out there. A LOT.

For a prospective client, like you, it can be difficult to tell one from another, especially when they all claim the same: Best, innovative, award-winning, results-focused…

Because we know that, as entrepreneurs, your time is precious, we don’t want to add to the noise.

We exist so our clients have the freedom to grow the business they envision, whatever the marketing challenges they are experiencing.

That’s our purpose.

We’ve helped companies like National Geographic, Costco, Staples and numerous SMBs increase sales, earn brand recognition and realise greater ROI from their marketing investments. Learn more about how our work help your business.


What floats our boat.



We give each project our honest advice and do what we say. We won’t be that marketing consultant who sells you what you don’t need, but, on the contrary, gives you clarity on what you DO need.



Communication is one of the key pillars of marketing, that’s why we value exchanging ideas so much with our clients. There is no other way we want to deliver our work and results to you.



We believe creativity is the core of driving impact. You won’t get from us a replica of what your competition is doing, but a truly customised marketing strategy specific to your business and its needs.



We are passionate about making a positive impact on your business’s growth, but also on your well-being as an entrepreneur. No more stress for you, no more long hours, only results thanks to a personalised 360° marketing strategy and the right marketing consultant!



We are not just data-nerds. Whether you come to us for a small or large project, we are customising our approach to give you the best results possible. Digging into your analytics, designing marketing assets, tactics or planning a marketing campaign… We are both the analytical and creative asset your business needs to work, whatever your industry, services or products.



Communication starts by listening, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and caring about others’ success. We know that there are people (and not just cold hearted computer screens) behind every decision that gets made in a business. Empathy is the connective tissue that creates and bonds strong and successful partnerships we want to build with you.


Partnerships we've built.

marketing consultant national geographic

We designed a new website taxonomy and UX to refocus the brand on its reportages and improve SEO, resulting in visits X3 and page views X4.

marketing consultant costco

We developed & implemented multichannel marketing strategies for both US and Canadian Costco e-commerce websites.

marketing consultant staples

We developed & implemented multichannel marketing strategies for both US and Canadian Staples e-commerce websites.

marketing consultant havas

We designed marketing strategies and implemented communication campaigns for their luxury clients, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté & Hermès Perfumes.

marketing consultant prisma media

We spearheaded digital marketing efforts of 4 leading media brands, generating 2M unique visitors/month and 1.2M followers on social media, which contributed in selling 400,000+ magazines, worth CA$4M+ per month.

marketing consultant sfu

We designed and implemented a Canada wide PPC strategy targeting aspiring students to grow awareness around the university's programs, both in French and English.

marketing consultant bctech

We partnered with BC Tech as marketing consultant & mentor within their incubator program to define tech startups' marketing strategy. 

marketing consultant sdecb

Through private marketing consulting sessions as well as workshops, we mentored and coached more than 100 entrepreneurs in BC.


Who we are.

stephanie marketing consultant

Meet Stephanie.

Always avid to discover new cultures and countries, this 12+ years experienced marketing consultant who lived in 5 different countries, is always eager to start on a new project, whether it is a personal or professional one.

After a Master Degree in Marketing and a Webdesigner certification, she started her career in a startup, then joined Prisma Media, leading media outlet, as digital product manager, to grow internationally renowned brands, such as National Geographic.

Now settled in Canada (hello West Coast!), she is committed to helping SMBs reach their goals, wherever they are at with the marketing funnel and whatever their business model is, through a personalised marketing strategy. SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, traditional marketing…

From brand awareness, to lead generation and conversions, Stephanie helps entrepreneurs reach success & make waves ≈, whatever the marketing strategy involved.


Where our wind blows.